Yours Truly

My crazy love for interiors and decor has led me here.I live in the 
wonderful city of Chicago and attend design school. Three more semesters 
left for this girl! Thank god. Anyway I just moved into my first big girl
apartment and have become obsessed with decorating it, a very exhausting
and expensive obsession if I must say. I have visited many blogs while
trying to obtain new ideas for my place and decided I should start my 
own and see what comes of it. If your wondering what is the meaning 
behind my blog name, it is my design style. Two of my closest friends 
are always making fun of me for being so contemporary because they are 
very eclectic and don't have a particular interest in my taste lol, but 
I have recently taken interest in some of their tastes and have created 
my own style contemporary meets vintage {contempage}. I also figured I
would throw a variety of things on here like fashion, food, and what 
have you, everyone likes new things right? I have tried so many new
things due to ideas or posts seen on blogs so maybe I can inspire you. 
I hope you 


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